So the mission of the Bible Religion Philosophy program would be to help students understand who they are, how God has gifted them and wired them, and then how God wants to send them into the world.
Within the Bible religion of philosophy, I think they can just expect to have an understanding of their calling once they leave college.
Mission major is very like adaptable to what you want to do and it's very easy to pair with other things.
So here at Tabor, we think a lot about how God is at work in the world. God has been at work, God is at work, and then God will be at work. If we think about what God is doing as, as kind of a story we can think about, "Okay, so what is our place in God's story? How are we lining up our lives for God's purposes in the world?" And, so, we want to help our students find that place in God's bigger story.
Now, we do have a mentoring program here at Tabor where with your professors or advisors, you get with them and you have an opportunity to share what you're going through as well as you have them alongside of you to just help you get through whatever that is and attain that goal.
With the programs that we have here. One of the requirements or just opportunities that we have is that you can work alongside churches. I know the missions group goes out to Newton sometimes and works with the homeless and creates an opportunity for you to figure out where is your passion when it comes to mission work.